Our Mission: “Empowered and gifted by the Holy Spirit, we will make, equip and mobilize passionate disciples of Jesus Christ to minister in the Church, community & beyond - all to the glory of God!”
Welcome to Maranatha! We would love to have you join us for worship, in person or online:
Sundays at 10 am.
Check out our Sermon Section for past messages
First Things First
At Maranatha, the central truth that binds us together is the Good News of Jesus Christ. We recognize that we have nothing to offer God but our sins and yet, in unfathomable love, He paid the price to deal with our sins, through the finished work of His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. We stand righteous, through faith alone, in Christ alone. It is now our joy to journey through life together, as a family of blood-bought children of God.
Through Many Ministries
At Maranatha, our great desire is to grow in our ability to enjoy God, Who we believe is the inexhaustible fountain of delight. That kind of joy doesn’t come naturally, so we are committed to using the resources God has given us, to help people, of every age group and life situation, in applying the Good News of Jesus Christ to every area of life. We want to meet people wherever they are at, in their spiritual journey, with encouragement and help to grow, so they can know God better and enjoy Him more deeply.
And You Are Invited
By far the best way to get to know us is to come visit our church on a Sunday morning for a worship service. We would love to have you join us, as we focus our minds and hearts on the God who saved us and wants to feed us. We sing a variety of God-centered songs, both old and new leading up the exposition of a section of God’s written Word, as we go book by book, through the Bible. Believing that the Bible is the written Word of God for our good, the center of our worship is the teaching of that Word and its application to our lives. God’s Word never fails to be relevant to where we are, in each of our lives. On the first Sunday of every month, our worship service concludes with a celebration of the Lord’s Supper. If there are any other questions that you have about us, please feel free to click the link below. We would love to hear from you.